Checking In With Rolli

by Christine
(Crete Illinois)

Hey Rolli,
It's Gus, your male shorthair pal from Crete Illinois.Alot has happened since I adopted my humans.First,they made sure I got neutered,no more kittens running around here with MY DNA. I'm a healthy,happy dude with two humans to take care of me.I still get to go outside but I only like to go out now with my humans,we sit around in the back yard,I make sure nothing harms them.They aren't too hard to train,I guess I'm a good teacher.

Well,it's nap time,hope all is well with you my friend.


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May 23, 2012
Gus! Good to hear from you!
by: Rolli

I was just wondering the other day how your human-training was going. Obviously pretty well.

As I am neutered too, I don't consider that such a big issue. The only thing I remember of the whole thing is toitering around with sore hinies and a very croggy head for a while. And now instead of wanting to roam outdoors, I am happier indoors where the fridge is. Oh, and my humans, of course.

Sitting in the back yard sounds perfect. My humans and us cats live these days in a block-of-flats, but we do have two balconies, and Mommy has put perching-shelves for us in both. The forest is right outside the house, so it is fun to observe the life there. There are special windows on our balconies, stopping us from jumping after the birds. Perhaps it is for the best, you know how it is when a flying meatball goes right past your nose. You don't ask. You jump. (Well, we don't, not anymore. The "bonk splat" sound and human laughter afterwards is rather embarrassing so we just raise an eyebrow to the birds these days...)

I am very happy to hear you have managed to educate your humans well. But do not rest on your laurels - human educating is never done. There are always nuances.

I am trying to educate Mommy to hobbit-style eating. Breakfast. Second breakfast. Lunch. Tea. Early dinner. Late Dinner. Midnight snack. And treats in between. Preferably shrimp. You know. Have to say I still have a lot of work to do. The snacks she offers are mostly dry food. I do like it, but after the incident with a kettle full of dry food you understand my preference to fresh foods, I'm sure...

I have also found it very easy to get attention. Mommy tries to look at TV in bed. Very good! I march on her chest, put my nose towards hers and purrrrrr... The best TV is Rolli TV. Yes, she tries to see past me, but I just lean to where she leans to make sure it is Me she sees, and not the TV. Try it, I am sure you will notice a definite increase in attention!

And keep me posted!

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